ATL Drafting Academy

Welcome to our ATL Drafting Academy’s New Website! 

What is ATL Drafting ?

ATL Drafting is a Class offered at Atlantic Community High School, taught by Carlos Acosta. In Drafting students get to explore the world of engineering and software design called AutoCAD.Students also get the opportunity to become AutoCAD certified. Which looks great on a job/College resume . Students can gain experience which can help them vision if engineering is the right path for their futures. What is AutoCAD?  AutoCaD is a 2-D and 3-D computer-aided drafting software application used in architecture, construction, and manufacturing to assist in the preparation of blueprints and other engineering plans. Professionals who use AutoCAD are often referred to as drafters.


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Interview with our Academy Teacher, Carlos Acosta.



Introduce us to drafting?

“Drafting is the science of communicating through technical drawings.” -Carlos, Acosta


What makes Drafting appealing to you?

“My career and because the architecture and engineering fields are very interesting and I really love how both communicate through drawings.” -Carlos, Acosta


Where can drafting take you in the future?

“It can take you to the Engineering and Architectural fields.” -Carlos, Acosta


Why should a student take Drafting?

“Because his and her interest expressed on architecture and engineering and animated drafting fields can give them an advantage for a future career.” -Carlos, Acosta


What can the AutoCAD certification benefit a student?

“Because it is a college level exam that certifies that a student knows how to operate the Autodesk system software. This is a benefit because it can help take credits off for  Drafting classes in college and provides a foundation for entry level AutoCAD industry and it can also help them make money. It also helps further their study in the Engineering and Architectural fields”. -Carlos, Acosta


Why did you choose to be a Drafting teacher?


Teaching is a passion that I always had and I also enjoy the Eaglenest program which really gained my interest in Teaching here in Atlantic Highschool and since I really enjoy drafting and Teaching and both are my passion . I decided to become a drafting teacher and especially here in Atlantic Highschool because of the awesome Eaglenest program .” -Carlos, Acosta

* To learn more about Eagle’s nest, go to our blog page and check out our post.